Clearing our Electronic Graveyard

As a home organizer, I am always being asked if I know what to do with certain household items that clients no longer want or need. It’s only through experience that I have learned the various locations around Frederick county that accept different seemingly trash items. I’ve seen everything from the common clothing items and paper that needs shredding to the sometimes more complicated like medical equipment or bulky electronics.

While all client needs vary, it has been overwhelming clear that most of us struggle with dead, broken, obsolete or multiples of some type of electronic that we no longer use. We have them scattered in our homes, sitting under our desks and sometimes still new in the package just waiting for attention.

Although people seem to collect an assortment of dead, broken or no longer used computers, tablets, printers, wires, cell phones and more; clients each have a different reason for not getting them out of their home. Do any of these popular reasons sound familiar to you for why you still have electronics sitting around your home still?

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  • Don’t know where to take broken or partially working electronics, parts of electronics or cell phones

  • You don’t want your personal information compromised

  • You feel like electronics that still function or only have a small glitch should still be used by someone who needs it

  • There isn’t a convenient time to transport your electronics or you just can’t remember

  • Desire to make sure your electronics are disposed of properly, in an environmentally safe way

  • It seems like a lot of effort to get rid of your electronics

  • You don’t want recycling and disposing of your electronics to get too expensive

These are some of the most popular reasons I hear for people still having useless electronics in their homes. Sound familiar? Well, there’s good new. There are solutions for all of these excuses and we can finally get rid of the electronic graveyard in your home! Believe it or not, you have more than one option.

My Number 1 option - e-End// (240) 529 - 1010 // //

We are lucky enough to have such an invaluable facility located here in Frederick county. E-End serves a great portion of the east coast but its main headquarters is located conveniently off of Buckeystown Pike in Frederick! Every experience I’ve had with e-End has been quick, easy, professional and just fantastic! E-End addresses each and every one of the common difficulties clients face.

  • E-End accepts both working and non-working electronics of nearly every kind (with very few exceptions). For their whole list, follow this link.

  • Certified Data Sanitization Services leaves you with the peace of mind that your personal data is protected. E-End is 100% certified and ensures that your data cannot be recovered by any means

  • E-End breaks down each piece of equipment into it’s various components and ensures that usable parts are recycled and made available for future use

  • As mentioned, e-End is located conveniently off Buckeystown Pike in Frederick and is open Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm. I am also able to take your electronics and drop them off for you - further easing the process!

  • E-End recycles 100% of processed materials, does not participate in illegal exporting and sticks to a zero landfill policy!

  • There isn’t a long line of people waiting to drop off electronics at e-End; the office staff are friendly and jump at the opportunity to come out to your car and help you unload all the electronics you are done with

  • Most items are free to drop off at e-End, with the exception of old style tube TVs and old CRT computer monitors which cost $30 and $15 each respectively to drop off. Additional services may cost extra, but for the common household electronic recycling, you won’t be spending an arm and a leg!

Option 2 - Freedom Electronic Recycling, INC // (301) 223 - 4123 // //

While I’ve never personally recycled anything at this facility, this is an option in our local area. This facility accepts a wide range of common household electronics and commits to a zero landfill policy like e-End. They also ensure the safe destruction of your personal data so you can trust that your identity will be protected. Freedom Electronic Recycling is located in Williamsport, MD

Option 3 - Staples //Various location around Maryland! //

For a small amount of electronics to drop off, your local Staples may be a good choice. Staples does have a maximum of 7 items per customer per day for free but accept a lot of common household electronics. They also will take certain batteries and ink and recycle and dispose of items correctly.

Option 3 - Best Buy //Various location around Maryland! //

Another option for smaller drop offs is Best Buy. While they do place a limit on how many items you can bring (2 TVs and 2 computers a day), they are a convenient option. They also charge $25 per item for certain TVs and computer monitors.

Still feel like you have too many excuses for getting rid of your electronics? I think it’s time to accept that the solutions are right in front of you - you can take simple steps to help clear out your electronic graveyard!

When you need an extra push or help coordinating the electronic recycling process, reach out to Organize Me! LLC